Tuesday, 29 December 2009

Time passes...

Well, it's been an age since I've posted anything here, but I didn't want anyone to think that I'd forgotten this place. Life has been a bit busy, recently, and a change at work means that I no longer get the opportunity to write these blogposts in the office, which is what's really put the brakes on doing so.

For those interested, I'm still running my weekly games, and this is just a brief update about where I am with them.

Mutants & Masterminds

This game is on Christmas hiatus right now, resuming in the New Year, having basically finished the last plotline. Go players! Especially since I managed to sneak in the old "reverse morality fight yourselves" trope. Which was, frankly, awesome, especially since it was the single largest combat I've run so far, and it went a lot more smoothly than I anticipated. Here's a hint to any budding online GMs out there - make the players do as much of the work as you can! That saves you time all the way down the line, allowing you to focus in rule adjudication and description. I'm still working on whether I should ask my players to write the descriptions of when they get hit in combat, as well the effect of their own strikes. I'd love it if they're willing, because it will allow them even more creative input into events, and simultaneously free me up to concentrate on keeping the game running smoothly, which could well chop combat time to about 2/3rds of the current length (which is still far too long for my liking).

For anyone interested (and assuming at least a basic knowledge of the M&M damage system), when a player hits an NPC in combat, I will write the outcome in a very simple format, straight into the OOC chatbox. These range from "Miss" to "Hit, no effect" through "Hit, Bruised", "Hit, Stunned", "Hit, Stunned, KB 25 feet" all the way up to "Hit, Unconscious, KB 1000 feet, hit a wall, wall does Bruise". It is then up to the player to describe the action in the IC chatbox, as well as the effect. This works brilliantly, because it means that as soon as I've said that in the OOC chatbox, I can call for the next character.

The problem I've experienced, though, is when I get multiple NPCs acting one after the other. Since I've retained control of the descriptive text for NPC actions, it can tie me up for several minutes while I detail it. If I can pass that across to the players, in a similar format (I'm thinking, say, "Speedbreak punches Liberty Belle. Hit, Stunned, Staggered, KB 10 feet" or "Death Knell uses mace on Scrub, Hit, Bruised") and leave it up to the players to write the descritpions for me, that could save me an inordinate amount of time.

I know that some of my players read this blog, so let me know what you think.

Dungeons & Dragons

My D&D game reached a natural pause point just before Christmas, so we paused. And entered into a huge debate about whether we like 4E enough to carry it on. The quick answer is "No". The long answer is as follows: D&D 4E is an incredibly sophisticated miniatures combat system, well balanced, very MMO-esque... and not flexible enough. I do not dislike it. I just don't like it as the premier fantasy RPG on the market. So, rather than playing D&D 4E, my Wednesday night gaming group is shifting to D20 Modern and giving that a go. I'll let you know how it works out for us.

City of Heroes

Obviously, as anyone who knows me even a little bit will be able to atest, I roleplay in City of Heroes. A lot. I still am. I've been very consciously avoiding major plotlines recently (which actually caused some friction in-game recently, since my character ended up refusing to help someone for possibly spurious reasons), but still going along regularly and getting involed with in-depth character interaction. There's a lot going on, as usual.

That's pretty much all there is to say for now. More soon, hopefully!