Monday, 8 October 2012

Well, Life has Certainly Moved On

It's been almost 2 years since I last said anything here, but I've never forgotten that I have this blog and that I really should use it more often.

While I can't promise to actually do so, please be aware that I have every intention of posting here more often. So much has happened since I last posted that my life doesn't really even feel the same as it did back then, but overall everything is better than it was.

So, on to the more important topics: What Roleplaying am I doing these days?

Well, my Wednesday night gaming sessions have settled on the Pathfinder RPG and I've been sharing the GMing duties in that. I'll write a proper post explaining the campaign and how it works later. It's a lot of fun, but I'm getting the impression that it's starting to reach the end of its viable lifespan - but it's been going for a LONG time, now, so I'm not unhappy with that at all.

Still RPing in City of Heroes, though the news that the game is closing has put something of a damper on that for me. I do indeed wish all of the efforts to save the game in some form the very best of luck, and will be helping out in whatever limited means I can.

Other than that, not a lot going on, though I am hugely excited about D&D Next. I'm signed up for the playtest, and I have had the opportunity to run a couple of games using the system, and I will be honest: It kicks 4E's arse out of the park, and it makes 3.x look like an exercise in accounting rather than roleplaying. I will also share more detailed thoughts on it at another point in time.

That's all from me for now, folks. Hopefully I'll speak to you all soon.