Wednesday 27 May 2009

How to NOT roleplay...

I have to share this. It cracks me up.

For the last few nights that I've been in City of Heroes, I've been popping along to Pocket D... because I've been finding the RP a lot more fun than what's been happening at Galaxy Girl, recently.

Anyway, for anyone who doesn't know, Pocket D is a nightclub that is designated Neutral Territory, so heroes and villains can interact without coming to blows.

Let's start with Saturday night:

My wife was in there, RPing on one of her infrequently played characters. She had a brief conversation with a character that she described as "sooooo boring!"

Sunday Night
Said "boring" character was chatting up (badly) a character played by Shadow Kitty of the Echelon SG (of which I am a member on a couple of toons). Kitty shot him down like a pheasant. Can't really blame him - the guy was hurling hyperbolic compliments at his character like they were going out of fashion.
Within about a minute of being shot down, said character had turned to a completely different character, played by Fanservice (whom I know from a number of places in-game), and was asking his character for "a kiss".

I snerked.

Monday Night
This character was at it again... chatting up "random female toon" with insanely over-the-top compliments: "I have lived amongst the angels, and I can say that you are more beautiful than any of them, lady Bea". Cue appropriate hurling.
He was trying to persuade her to go out to dinner. She just wanted to know what kind of food. How hard would that be to answer? Apparently very. Italian. Chinese. Japanese. He even offered to fly her out to Japan for some real Japanese cuisine... fine, but you're trying to hard, numb-nuts! Just pick something, take her out, and give up on the extreme puke-making compliments, because it makes you look like a 16-year old kid wanting to get his rocks off with some cyber-sex.
My character has a reputation as a bit of a man-whore (he's not... honest...), and managed to utterly destroy this poor fool's chances with a well-placed business card containing the message "I know a great Thai place. Give me a call when you get bored."

Hint to people attempting to RP men who compliment women. NEVER MAKE THE FIRST CONVERSATION THE ONE WITH THE COMPLIMENTS. Save them for the second one. The first one is all about getting to know the character.

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