Tuesday 5 May 2009

City of Heroes: Issue 15... again.

Okay, my immediate emotional response to Issue 15 of City of Heroes is has passed... and I still think that the developers have missed something.

The thing is, back in the day (I can't be bothered to hunt down the references, but they were unequivocal at the time), we were told that (and I paraphrase) "the next couple of issues include a massive feature (umm, MA, anyone?) and a big story issue...


And that's what's managed to piss people off.

Normally, I can't help but sing the praises of CoH. It's an awesome game, with an awesome background, some awesome stories, and it really does make you feel like you're a hero. Well, maybe not in the 'saving the world a million times a day' way, but it's more heroic than most games I've played.

But, seriously... soon™? That's the best the developers can come up with as an explanation of timescale?

What about: "We have a story progression coming, due before Champions Online ships"?

Or: "Issue 15 - Anniversary is a mini issue just to celebrate the anniversary of the game. That story issue we promised is coming in the near future"?

Perhaps: "We've got some exciting news for you at the end of the anniversary month..."?

Seriously, how hard would it be?

Sure, the developers have learned the hard way that saying things can turn around and bite you on the ass - "No more Power nerfs", anyone? - but let's be frank, here - the last issue that actually moved the story of the game on at all was, what, Issue 10? That was a couple of years back.

As I've said before and elsewhere - I'm not leaving the game, because I still enjoy it hugely, but I have to question the wisdom of the developers (or, more accurately, the marketing team) in allowing what amount to straight-up lies being told to the playerbase.


  1. C'mon. I don't think saying it's 'soon' is a lie. It's just a very vague phrase. You know as well as I do that 'soon' in an MMO sense has a 'special meaning'.

    However, I will admit they're not doing themselves favours right now. I think I know why; I'm pretty sure MA was probably a much, much bigger drain on resources than first expected (and hey, it was worth it; it's a benchmark upgrade).

    That means, though, that plans for further stuff (and when I was there, those plans did include large, story-based additions to the game) have probably been pushed further down the pipe.

    I also vaguely recall that there was talk of the strategy being "Wait for the right moment to strike". You could debate all day about when that is, of course.

  2. *Evil laugh by hooded wrinkly guy*.....

    Give in to your hate, Chemlak. let it consume you. Turn to the DARK SIDE of MMO.....

    *Hands Chemlak a 10 day trial to WoW*

    An eerie voice echoes in the recesses of Chem's mind... "I have you now!"

  3. @Stephen The "lie" was "the issue after Architect is going to be a 'big story issue'". Okay, perhaps "lie" is too strong a word, when all that's really happened is that the situation hasn't developed the way they were expecting, and so the "big story issue" couldn't be finished in time for the anniversary event... but would it really kill them to tell us that?

    'Soon™' is fine as a statement of waiting duration, as far as I'm concerned. I've never had a problem with it. Architect is seriously awesome, and I love it. I'm still working on integrating it into RP plotlines, but I have a lot of ideas and not enough time to deal with them all.

    As for "the right moment to strike" - I'm of two minds with that.

    Mind 1) Nick players from Champions Online before it's even released. Get a decent item on the shelves (and frankly, Architect might be their bid for it), and say "nyeh, nyeh, new game doesn't have this!"

    Mind 2) Nick players from Champions Online just as their first month of free play runs out. Release a massive story-based issue about 3 weeks after CO goes live, entice back all those players who went to have a squiz. Include comic book cliche phrases such as "will change the face of the Paragon Universe... FOREVER!" in the blurb.

    I prefer the first mind, but I suspect that NC's marketing team are firmly wedded to the second.
